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【手机】W850i 从内到外
Sony Ericsson W850i disassembly
Tools required: Torx 6 screwdriver, Size 0 Phillips screwdriver
- Remove the two screws at the bottom of the phone with the torx 6 screwdriver.

- Next push the slider up so you have access to the metal plate, shown below. Run your finger around the edge where the metal plate meets the housing to unclip it.

- With the metal plater removed you have access to two more torx 6 screws. Remove these

- Run your fingernail all the way around the edge of the housing to release it

- The phone will now be in two parts, as below

- The screen assembly is held on by two clips at each side of the phone, indicated below. Unclip them

- Unclip the board for the keypad by lifting it from the right side. It attaches to two ribbons like a plug and socket. The screen ribbon is also attached to the back of this board: also detach this.

- Your phone should now look like the picture below

- Reverse the whole procedure for reassembly