标题: 至高享受-后假日主义《August Day Song》(巴西) [打印本页] 作者: xxDIBOY 时间: 2009-11-11 10:10 标题: 至高享受-后假日主义《August Day Song》(巴西)
Daughterof original Bossa Nova legends Joao Gilberto and Miucha, niece of thegreat singer-songwriter Chico Burque, Bebel Gilberto's talents haveproven more than worthy of her exalted descent. She has not only helpedto revitalize modern Brazilian music but has established it as a majorforce on the world stage. But are these 13 remixes worthy of her? Theanswer is a qualified yes. The whole point of this type of exercise isto reveal new facets of an existing track by inviting another artist tocollaborate on it--after the fact. Everyone involved with thesere-workings displays considerable taste and restraint; thus anynegative impressions would have to be completely subjective. Theoriginals were produced by Marius de Vries and were comparativelypop-oriented anyway. Gently-imposed beats and touches of chillyelectronica do not freeze the singer's digital hothouse bloom but addan additional dimension. Some tunes, such as Céu Distante, even emergeembellished with a surprisingly genteel, retro finesse.
Bebel Gilberto’s debut CD, Tanto Tempo became a worldwide phenomenon,selling a million copies around the globe and captivating audienceswith its mix of classic bossa-nova updated with cool electronica.
On her latest, Grammy nominated release, simply titled, Bebel Gilberto, Bebel collaborated with producer Marius de Vries (Madonna, Bjork,Annie Lennox) and once again topped the Billboard, amazon.com and Applei-Tunes World Charts.
Now, an international cast of the world’s best dance, hip-hop andelectronica producers has remixed the songs from Bebel Gilberto into avariety of fresh, modern styles. From well known masters like, ThieveryCorporation, Tom Middleton, Guy Sigsworth, DJ Spinna and Grant Nelsonto such fast rising new talents as, Spiritual South, Yam Who? andTelefon Tel Aviv, Bebel Gilberto Remixed collects an impressive crosssection of some of the dance world’s brightest stars.
巴薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)是一種融合巴西森巴舞曲和美國酷派爵士的一種"新派爵士樂",承襲choro和samba-cancao的部分特色而又自成一格,乍聽簡潔輕快。巴薩諾瓦結構複雜;樂器的音階或和絃轉換的行進方式變幻莫測,往往乍聽下以為可以掌握旋律的起落和節奏,和絃一轉換後即捕足不及。它的旋律可以是行板(andante)或中板(moderato)速度進行。